Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh Japan!

Here is a short picture essay on why I love Japan:

Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, when you buy a 2 liter BOX of Sake you get a scrunchie. This is not only funny because you get random prizes with the purchase of alcohol (I often get boxes of kleenex with my beer), but it also funny because in Japan scrunchies are still in style. Umm, the 80s called and they said you can keep 'em.

I don't think they get the joke. These are small wafer like cookies filled with white cream...and they call them "collon cream"?!

At the end of Autumn we get the most breathtaking sunsets everyday in my town. This was a quick snapshot I took with my mobile on the way home from work yesterday.

This guy got on the train, sat down, then put his feet up, and minute by minute he got lower and lower until he reached his final (and clearly most comfortable) position. Nobody could write a book about the Japanese and their sleep, because it would be one sentence; Anywhere, anytime, any position.

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