Monday, September 28, 2009

Coffee Coffee Coffee, Koooohiiiiiii!

I had a really busy day today. I was scheduled to be at one of my schools for 8:40am and it's a 45 minute drive from my office. I got there just in time, and my vice-principal asked if I fancied some coffee. Of course, those of you who know me well, this is not an offer I can refuse. She notices that the pot is empty and politely asks me to wait a couple minutes while she brews a new pot. At this point my eyes are heavy and in dire need of caffeine and my mouth is salivating at the thought of fresh coffee. Just as she pours me a cup, one of my students comes to get me; class has begun. My vice-principal looks mildly disappointed, but says the coffee will be waiting for me upon my return in 50 minutes. Class passes by and my body is in more and more need of that cup of coffee sitting on my desk. The bell rings and I skip my way to the teacher's room, when one of my first grade students stops me in the hall and asks me to play with her outside. This too is not an offer I could easily refuse as she looks upon me with puppy dog eyes. We change our shoes and go outside for a good 15 minute recess. The bell goes. Oh, good, I think to myself, I have 5 minutes before class starts to drink my cup of coffee. As I step into the teacher's room, I notice that the cup of tepid coffee has disappeared. My vice-principal clearly felt my disappointment and told me that it got too cold and that she's making me a fresh pot. Oh no!! I don't have enough time before my class begins! Of course it's plain torture listening to the percolating sounds of the coffee machine as I watch the time tick by. My students come to get me for the next class and I exit the room making yearning eyes at the coffee pot. Class finishes and I manage not to fall asleep on one of the students in the first row. Of course, now I have to rush over to the Junior High school across the street for 2 lessons before coming back to the elementary to do a fifth. I enter the teacher's lounge to get my bag and there lies on my desk a steaming cup of coffee. I politely tell the vice-principal that I must rush off to teach at the JHS, but I'd love to drink the coffee, hot or cold, once I get back in a couple hours. I trot on over to the JHS and much like at the elementary the principal and I do the coffee tango for a couple hours, before I have to go back to the elementary school for lunch, coffee-less. I make my way back to the elementary and am quickly escorted to the 6th graders room where my lunch awaits me. I swallow my lunch quickly in hopes of the coffee I believe will be sitting on my desk downstairs. Of SOON as I finish my lunch, my students whisk me outside to play. I'm about 30 minutes past exhaustion and I'm pretty sure I had a nap while I was eating my rice at lunch. The bell goes and before I can even think about the delicious taste of coffee, a 2nd grader takes my hand and leads me to her classroom and asks me to help them clean. Then, naturally the bell goes and it's time for 5th period. It's now 2pm and I've been drooling at the thought of coffee since 8:30 that morning. Class finishes at 2:45 and I mope my way downstairs. My spirits are lifted when I see a fresh cup of coffee on my desk.
Never has coffee tasted so good and so well deserved.


Julia said...

Awesome story, Alie! I'm glad it ended well. We should catch up sometime. Skype?

alexandra said...

Thanks Julia! Let's absolutely skype! I'm emailing you right now!!